It’s Not A Diet…It’s A Challenge

Diet. I hate this word.

Diet. A word that when used as a noun means something totally legit and safe: food or drink that a person or group of people habitually  consume(s) and then rears its ugly verb head and is all nasty: the  selection and limitation of  said food or drink. Does that seem like a trustworthy word to you? No. It’s ominous…and scary.
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A year in #momlife

This month has been a flurry of Pinteresting, Michaels trips, taste testing & crafting. Yes, that tends to be a normal month for me but this one is different. You see, in a week we will gather with our closest friends and family to celebrate baby girl’s first year in this world. A whole year figuring out this world and how to navigate it. With today being E’s actual birthday, I can’t help but think, “Well Melissa, how has your first year in #momlife been?” Let’s see, I knew there would be sleepless nights, endless love, occasional exasperated fights with my husband and countless moments of overwhelming happiness…but there are so many things I didn’t expect. So, while this year has been full of all of the above and countless other beautiful, silly, crazy moments…here’s what I’ve learned most from this little one year old.
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