Party Game: Super Bowl Squares

I will be the first to admit I’m a fair-weather fan…of any sports team really. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t like a good party or a chance to spend time with friends. You just won’t catch me paying much attention to the actual game until the last 5-10 mins. I know this will all change once my kiddos are playing but until then – I will be over here creating other fun games to do in conjunction with the football game to keep myself entertained 🙂 And so I give you Super Bowl Squares! Super easy to create (or download at bottom!), scalable, gets everyone involved, you don’t have to know anything about football to play and includes a little gambling – how does that not sound like a winner?

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Creative Diaper Shower Gift Wrapping Ideas

So you got invited to a diaper shower huh? If you’re not a female over the age of 25 you probably don’t know what the heck a diaper shower is. And that’s ok! My husband finally just kept calling it, “that thing you’re going to.” So let me explain. Not to make you feel stupid but diaper showers are pretty much exactly what they sound like; you shower a person with diapers. The reason it’s not a baby shower is most likely because someone else is already throwing one of those for the mom-to-be so they’re diversifying or it’s not their first child and have the baby necessities. So, there goes the element of surprise with, “what could this gift be!?” If we can’t have that, why not have, “OMG! How cute!” Yes, that can be the reaction with diapers and wipes, I assure you 🙂

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DIY Thanksgiving Leftover Bags

Get those leftovers out of my house!! Ok, maybe I’ll keep a couple of cookies and some stuffing 🙂 But seriously, we all know Thanksgiving is even better the second day around – a roll, some turkey, top it with some stuffing and a dab of cranberry? Forgeddaboutit. But if you’re having the typical American Thanksgiving, there will be enough food to feed five times the amount of people you actually have…that just means you’ve done Thanksgiving right in my book…NO SHAME. So on top of everything else you’re doing to host (or attend!!), snag some Dollar Tree bags, an armload of Chinese take out boxes from Michaels or drop down the tupperware aisle at Target and make these unforgettable Thanksgiving leftover bags to entice those guests (and yourself) that you CAN fit just ONE MORE piece of pie in there.

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A Very Girly First Birthday Party

It happened. We raised a child without killing ourselves or said child for a whole year. Actually – I think we did surprisingly well 🙂 And that’s cause for celebration. If you’ve been keeping up with me from the beginning here you’ll know we didn’t find out if we were having a girl or boy (see this post or this one if you want more details on gender-neutral baby world things) and we loved every moment of our beautiful surprise. That being said, I didn’t have any super girly or super boyish baby prep festivities. So for this little girl’s first birthday I decided to make up for it – the theme would be all things GIRLY. Bring on the pink, sparkle, flowers & frill!
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Game Night: Poker Night

As mentioned in my Tea Cup & Martini Glass Flower Centerpieces post, the hubs was having a poker night and I just couldn’t help myself – I needed to cook, bake and entertain! Plus, I justified it all by saying it was practice for a big future game night or casino themed party. I mean, who can resist a theme?

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